B2B billing operation and generating customer value
Currently, generating customized invoices is a major challenge in any complex industry, as we need to generate countless manual calculations in order to comply with the terms and conditions of the agreement with our customers.This implies the need for additional staff with the consequent increase in operational costs.
By digitizing and using our R&D solutions (BEMpower, BILLnet), we have the opportunity to produce highly efficient billing processes inside company environments. This gives us a competitive edge and a differential value we offer our customers. In order to do this, we outsource certain tasks in our operating team:
- Parametrization of commercial conditions on our billing platforms.
- Generation of pre-invoices for validation by the business manager and the customers.
- Generation of Personalized Advisory Reports.
- Customized dashboards made available to customers.
- Analysis of sectoral KPI’s for customers.
- Joint inventory management with customers of invoiced services.
- Proactive proposals for expenditure optimizations.
- Management of requests (registrations, cancellations and modifications).
- Accumulation, consolidation and review (Bill Review) of invoices issued by other suppliers.